Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Come on Fall!

I look foward to waking up to Fall weather everyday without any muggy days snuck in. I can't wait to hear the crunch of the leaves when you walk down the street , the smell, the look everything. This time of year is such a tease just waiting for the true Fall! Last night the kids and Scott went swimming. Scott heats the pool thankfully. Richie tells me he seen ladybugs this week by the playground 3 of them all at different times. 1 was red and 1 was orange he said. Love that!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Ladybug Ladybug

Seems this year, we see ladybugs all the time. Mostly at the house. But once on my windshield while out. Love it!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Say Goodbye to Summer


We found a new friend in our backyard.

School has begun

So the first day of school has come and gone for the 2 kids. I am happy with their teachers and they are on their way through another year.Richie starts his full days Monday. Scotty has speech tues and thurs mornings. Then dance, religion and competition season starts back up. Let the running begin. Waiting for the BIG storm to come, which isn't going to be as big as they were anticipating. I am kinda disappointed lol. I love storms, as long as everyone is safe.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bamboo chime for my mama


Dedicated to my dad, which I still can't believe "called" us having another project in our yard involving digging! Never expected this, but he seen it lol.