Friday, September 28, 2007


Common Superstitions
Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day
A rabbit's foot brings good luck
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck
If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck
If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck
To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck
To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck
To find a horseshoe brings good luck
Step on a crack, break your mother's back
You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle
Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires
Our fate is written in the stars
At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold
Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck
Wearing your birthstone will bring you good luck
If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake with the first breath you will get whatever you wish for
To have a wish come true using a wishbone, two people make a wish, then take hold of each end of the bone and pull it until it separates. The person with the longer end gets his or her wish
An itchy palm means money will come your way
A beginner will always have good luck: beginner's luck
A cat has nine lives
Eating fish makes you smart
Toads cause warts
A cricket in the house brings good luck
Crossing your fingers helps to avoid bad luck and helps a wish come true
It is bad luck to sing at the table
It is bad luck to sleep on a table
After receiving a container of food, the container should never be returned empty
A lock of hair from a baby's first haircut should be kept for good luck
A bird that comes in your window brings bad luck
To refuse a kiss under mistletoe causes bad luck
Goldfish in the pond bring good luck
Goldfish in the house bring bad luck
For good luck, wear new clothes on Easter
An acorn at the window can keep lightning out of the house
If the bottom of your feet itch, you will make a trip
When a dog howls, death is near
It is bad luck to chase someone with a broom
A sailor wearing an earring cannot drown
To find a penny heads up, brings good luck
To cure a sty, rub it with a gold wedding band
Animals can talk at midnight on Christmas Eve
A drowned woman floats face up, a drowned man floats face down
A person cannot drown before going under three times
To drop a fork means a woman will visit
To drop a knife means a man will visit
To drop a spoon means a child will visit
To drop a dishcloth means bad luck is coming
If you shiver, someone is casting a shadow on your grave
To make a happy marriage, the bride must wear: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
The wedding veil protects the bride from the evil eye
Washing a car will bring rain
You must get out of bed on the same side you got in on or you will have bad luck
Evil spirits cannot harm you when you are standing in a circle
A cat will try to take the breath from a baby
Warm hands, cold heart
Cold hands, warm heart
It is unlucky to rock an empty rocking chair
To kill an albatross is to cause bad luck to the ship and all upon it
Wearing an opal when it is not your birthstone is bad luck
Smell dandelions, wet the bed
To give someone a purse or wallet without money in it will bring that person bad luck
A forked branch, held with a fork in each hand, will dip and point when it passes over water

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sister loves Her "dolls" lol

Ashlee taking pictures


Such a Male!!!
Not such a male!!

A Powdered Scotty

Richie, Richie, Richie...:::sigh:::: this is the powder that came off of Scotty's head lol

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Thank God for the sweetness!

Losers of the world

And my brother is one of them. How much more can go on?? What a lowlife SCUM!! My nerves are so shot, i am physically and mentally drained. As he goes on and slides by life with no reprecutions??? The one who wouldn't get anything...well with no will that doesn't stand up at all. He has caused so much MISERY!! To the whole and dead. Horrible person! I have to get my will together. God Forbid something happened to Scott and I, he would run right to the house to rob my kids!! He has no soul. How many times should we visit rehab??? Let's cut out copper and scrap it for CRACK!!! and wonder how the house is not selling???? My mom should have listened to me and sold the house while she was still alive to help out w/ her money problems. But no, she hung on ..for US. And he is still at it! She is rolling around in her ashes! I'm sorry mom. When will this nightmare end???? Why should I be worried...not relaxed in my own home?????

Friday, September 14, 2007

Extra pics

Thought of you Jenine, with this lol

WOW, cousins!!

Victoria and would never know Victoria is 1 month YOUNGER than Ash LOL

So wow, my kids finally seen their cousins! Frankie finally brought them over to play today. They have gotten so big. My brother supposedly is staying clean. Don't know how much I believe. Who knows. He would be a dumb ass to NOT be serious about it finally. Everyone had fun together.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I think this is the first September 11th that it isn't clear blue skies. I remember the smell in the air. Either way the radio,and television reminds you of the day. The violins playing in the background as the long list of all the poor souls killed that day. So sad. I pray for all the families that lost their loved ones. I pray for the ones who lost their lives.

Monday, September 10, 2007


The kids found this hat at my mom's when Scott went there last week to put oil in the tank. It was my mom or dad's hat. They both had hats like this when we were younger. Hip dressers lol. Ashlee has a barret type hat. So Scotty found it and took to it.


It was a busy weekend. Friday was the last tournament of the season, yay! It will be a bit easier when Scotty is a little older and can keep up with the older kids. Ashlee and Richie had fun. Saturday we went to our friends Laurie and Anthony's which we haven't done in a pretty long time. They did even more work on their house..alot more. Their house is like a house that could be on cribs lol! Seriously gorgeous and big! Another late night, then yesterday it was the Fire Dept BBQ. Lots of food and fun for the kids. Scotty was so overtired he didn't know what to do with himself last night! Ashlee had cheer today from 4:30-7:15. She is going to crash tonight. Good thing there is nothing tomorrow after school.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Ashlee at it again

1st Day has Come and Gone

This morning went pretty smooth, Ashlee and Richie got showered/dressed/fed all with time to spare. Got Scotty up and we all headed out without a hitch! First went to drop off Ash at school and walked to her class. It's different this year since she is on the other side of the school now, different cafeteria, gym, office. She was very excited and came home still excited. Richie had a good day, he knows all the teachers from last year so really it was just getting used to it again. Different teacher but he knows them anyway. After Dropping him off I headed to Target, Hallmark, Kohl's then Supermarket. Came home did some laundry and vacummed. Went picked up Ashlee came back home, Then 1/2 hour later was time to get Richie. Came back, got dinner going..Ashlee got ready for cheer and we were off again. Just came home and Ash had a pudding, cleaned up and into bed by 8:45. Scotty seems to be asleep already too. Richie is at Race Practice w/ Scott. They better not be loud!! I am tired..

Tomorrow is the 1st Day of School!!

Ok, well tomorrow is the first day of 2nd grade for Ashlee and 1st day of pre K for Richie ( his 2nd year) Richie will go mon/wed/fri. Ashlee has been very excited for quite a while for 2nd grade. She said she is the most excited she has been to start 2nd grade than any other 1st day lol. She and Richie were horsing around last week and Richie bunked his head right onto Ashlee's eye/cheek area. As soon as that happened it was already purple. I thought great, lovely a nice black eye to start school with. It is at the brown part of the bruise and slight touch of purple left. She also lost her 2 top teeth and so she looks like a hockey player with no teeth and a black eye!!! Perfect timing huh? After I drop the kids off at school, I may come back and vacuum the house? or go to Target? maybe Kohl's? lol I had a preview on Monday when I left Ash and Richie home w/ Scott and went shopping for 4 hours. It was alot easier just taking Scotty. So I look foward to that!!!!